Wednesday 31 August 2011

Sisterly love

The house is full of the scent of massage bars and the sounds of sisters enjoying themselves.

Tuesday 30 August 2011


Just a very brief post to ask for prayers for my Goddaughter Eve who has just been taken down to theatre for a tracheostomy. Eve's mother Tina is keeping her company in hospital, whilst daddy is holding the fort at home for the next month - please pray for all of them.


Saturday 27 August 2011


I am thankful for Rhinofloor, living in a flat town, and early bedtimes. Oh, and the fact there are only ten more sleeps until school begins again.

I am bored of repeating the phrase "Stop fiddling with it and drink it up before you ARGH!"

I am at a loss how to explain, in words and concepts my daughter will understand, why and how I can't magic up a "real Daddy" for her - Daddy God and Birth Daddy not apparently cutting it.

I would like to catch the dog owner who can't be bothered to clean up after his dog, and make him (or her) clean the stale but no less smelly faeces out from my daughter's wheels. I'd also like them to explain to my daughter why it is that she had to manage without her wheelchair since we only just managed to get home before the ridiculously heavy rain shower, and her chair was too vilely polluted to be allowed into the house.

I would also like to put the people who redesigned the checkout at Budgen's into my daughter's wheelchair and then get them to try to queue, pay, and get out of the queue without destroying the displays. Or perhaps I'd just like to destroy the displays.

I am tired of waiting, and would like to know why a pressure relieving mattress took less than a week to arrive for one daughter, whilst the same mattress, requested one week later (decision having been made to just order one initially, to check suitability), has now been 4 months in the requesting, with still no sign that it has actually been ordered. Meanwhile, I am sincerely hoping I never ever have to hear "Oh Mummy, this little body cannot get comfortable" ever again.

I am enjoying the fact that the heaviest rain shower dumped all the rain for the week seconds after we made it to the front door, and dried up quickly enough to enjoy the blue sky and newly scented flowers again.

I am loving my daughter's help in snapping beans and broccoli and stirring mince to make a yummy dinner, and hoping that one day she really will be more interested in eating the things she cooks.

I am hoping that the weather is the explanation for the bad headaches making a reappearance.

I am wondering how the girls will get on at school next year, trying to remember what has changed since last term and which school will need to know what, and hoping that our care hours will finally be met in full, preferably before another two of our carers have to take time off.

But mostly,
I am tired.

Saturday 20 August 2011

Ruby Wedding

Happy Anniversary to Auntie Jacky and Uncle David. And thank you for a lovely day and fabulous cake!


Friday 19 August 2011

BookSneeze Review - Thunder Dog, by Michael Hingson

The True Story of a Blind Man, His Guide Dog, and the Triumph of Trust at Ground Zero.

I requested this book for review mainly because my friend's son had just received his first Guide Dog, and since I'm not going to get to see them for a while, reading felt like the next best thing.

One man and his dog, and a long walk downstairs on one of the most terrifying days of their lives. It's a story in itself, but this story is woven into the background of Michael's relationship with all his Guide Dogs, with his life before and after the events of September 11th, and with the story of his own childhood growing up blind living in a sighted world.

It did surprise me how much of this book was about events unconnected with the Twin Towers; that was not what I had expected from the title. But this did not detract from my enjoyment of the book; instead I found this to be a fascinating insight into Michael's life, and into the relationship he has developed with his dogs over the years. It has helped me to think about particular challenges my friend's son may be facing at this time, and I hope his own dog gives him as much independence as Michael has had himself. I also sincerely hope he never faces the battles Michael's family had to fight in order for the dog to be allowed on school transport!

I review for BookSneeze®

Friday 12 August 2011

Words from the Princess

I've been very tired today; the Little Princess has been ministering to me by bringing cups of water for me to drink and revelling in unlimited control over the computer. She's also been pretty good at finding things for her and Mog to play with, spending at least an hour carefully covering a piece of paper with stickers to make a beautiful hat.

Lying down pretending to be asleep, I was a little worried by her claims to have a "Smash". Very insistent that she had a smash, but since I'd not heard the telltale crash tinkly crump "sorry, Mummy sorry" which usually accompanies overenthusiastic driving, I stayed still waiting for her to go away. Eventually I opened my eyes to see her with a towel wrapped around the lower half of her face. "Look Mummy, I got a smash!" Oh, a Mustache!

Having finished her hat, I was then slightly surprised to hear her ask "Where I can defecate, Mummy?" Sophisticated request; I heaved myself up to find the commode. Only to find her waving a pile of stickers and freshly sharpened pencils at me "Mummy, I defecated my hat, now where I can defecate next?" No sweetheart, you mean decorate.

It's been that kind of a day really. We finished it all three of us cuddled together, watching an ancient Escape To The Country. tLP decided we should cut the house featured out of the ground and transplant it to our flat, so we could live there without leaving here. I like her logic.

Leaving her in the bathroom as I went to sort the meds, she called to me. "Goodbye, Mumma, I am moving house tomorrow. I will go and live with my Auntie." OK, I thought; which Aunt? Victoria in Tanzania, Yvonne in Scotland? Nope, the Auntie who lives in the same town as Grannie and Grandad (NB - we live in the same town as Grannie and Grandad). Hmm, Auntie Lou? Assorted Great Aunts, and one Great Great Aunt? Nope, "I will live with Auntie Lynn."

Last I heard, "Auntie" Lynn was clearing out the television room - I give it until the dog decides to say hello, but oo the peace is tempting!


Sunday 7 August 2011

New Wine

Lots to think about, lots to process. Beautiful weather, lovely friends, speakers I could have listened to for hours except that one hours' speech was enough to think about for the rest of the day (and week and month).

For the first time ever, I am not at the annual Special Kids in the UK summer camp, the dates having clashed. So I'm even more pleased we were able to import some of our Special Kids friends, as well as making new ones.
I just love how these two can go months without seeing each other, and still be the very best of friends when they meet up.
And I love how much of a cool dude my Princess is getting to be.
but never too cool to do the washing up.

Good to spend time with God too; I do like it when He comes on holiday with us. Almost too much to think about; a very differently deep and rich week which I shall be feeding off for a while.

I'm seeing a different kind of a future now to the one I thought I had even a few weeks ago, and I'm very interested in seeing how it will all work out.

And, my potted thought for the week, "There are no distorted mirrors in God's House." So if we are all made in His image, and if He is beautiful...


Friday 5 August 2011

Come, my beloved

The Man called, "Come, my Beloved, and live with Me in My house forever."

And the woman replied, "I am not ready for You, I cannot come to You like this. Let me prepare myself first."

The Man said "I know you and I love you, for my Father created you, and He and I are one. I already know your deepest darkest secrets and I live you not despite them nor for them but through them and in them."

And the woman said "But if you know my secrets then I must run, for I am ashamed."

So the Man asked "Where can you go from My presence? If you go up to the heavens I am there, if you go down to the depths I am there too. If you settle on the far side of the sea, even there I am with you. For I am with you always, even to the very end."

And the woman said "But I need to learn how to love You. I am so very tired, and I need my sleep. I must care for my children and all these things which You have given me."

The Man said "Come. Just as you are, just who you are. You did not choose Me, but I chose you. I have called you out of the darkness and into My glorious light. My burden is easy and my yoke is light. My gifts to you will never weigh you down but beautify you for I delight in you and they reflect my love."

And still the woman hesitated, saying "This is not how I thought things would be."

The Man replied "Do not be concerned about other people's experiences, for this is not about them but you. Walk with me in the way I have chosen for you."

And the woman said "Come, Lord Jesus, Come."