Thursday 14 February 2008

Sunshine and shopping in April

It's a complicated process, sorting out a holiday with my girls. This morning I spent three hours on the phone to travel insurance companies, being turned down by one after another after another. So many of them were "happy to insure you but unfortunately we won't be able to cover any complications caused by seizures or breathing difficulties. Would you like to continue with the application?" Over and over again they were confused by my awkward refusal to buy insurance which didn't cover the main issues we were likely to face. The one insurer who was fine with Mog's medical conditions refused to cover Little Fish's hypoventilation.Finally having given up with the online companies I phoned the very last insurer in our Yellow Pages and we are covered. And for a sum which is less than the cost of the hotel; last time we went to Florida the insurance cost more than the accomodation.

After three hours on the phone spelling things out and wondering why the agents aren't taught how to pronounce medical conditions, we finally got a yes. Hurrah! Putting the phone down I made the girls laugh and jump by singing out "We're going on holiday in April" to the tune of John Brown's Body. I may have mentioned Little Fish's sometimes indistinct speech.
Me "We're going on holiday with April" Little Fish "Poo Poo".
Poo Poo
POO poo
Pooo Poo!
I do hope that isn't prophetic.

Meanwhile, drowning in phlegm here. Mog has a chest infection and I'm chasing after it with the suction caths. Little Fish is envious of all Mog's banging (chest physio) and keeps grabbing my hands and making me thump her back and shoulders too. Both girls are now on antibiotics with all the digestive joy that brings.

Roll on April! We're off to Florida having been invited to keep a friend company. Mog's excited; she wants clothes and shoes and remembers having fun last time. Little Fish is excited because Mog's excited. And friend Mary and I are excited about the idea of a fortnight in gentle sun, and will remember Goldy's pleasure from last time we went. Oh, and there might be a touch of Disney involved too...


  1. Ok, Tia, I canNOT miss your trip this time!!! :-)

    Now I am even closer to the Disney area than I used to be. So, I definitely want to catch up with you all one day while you're in the area. No big plans needed - I just want to see your face "in person"!

    Oh, I'm excited - April, yay!!!!


  2. hope you manage to thump ou all that gunk and here is not to much poo Poo!
    glad you got it sorted and praying already for a wonderful time!
    Jealous? me? NOOOOO!


  3. Oh yes definitely Alesha! We'll be around for a bit longer this time too so hopefully more chance of all the children being well.

    I look forwards to it - just really sorry we can't get down to Ohio at the same time as we had hoped :-(

    We're staying in Lake Buena Vista

  4. I want to go, too!! SIGH!!! Have a LOVELY sunny holiday ;o)

    Praying the chest infection and stoma infection and any other nasties floating around your house will soon history!!

  5. OOH! Wish WI was near Florida. I'd love to visit with you and the girls. That will be a wonderful time for all of you. Little Fish will be so excited. Hope all the plans do not get changed.


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