Sunday 24 February 2008

unclean, unclean

Mog has been generous with her lurgy. She and Little Fish seem to be doing nicely now; it's yours truly feeling like something the cat dragged in. 90 minutes until our carer arrives, 2.5 hours until the girls are in bed and I can follow them. And school tomorrow, thank goodness.



  1. oh no!
    I hope you are all well enough for the girls to be at school tomorrow!
    sending love and hugs.

  2. It is so hard to be sick and be mommy isn't it. I think God allows it because once you are well again it all seems so easy to do what you have to do.
    Praying for healing and help for you.

  3. Oh, Tia, I'm SO sorry you're not feeling well!!! It's just never a good time for us to be sick, is it? There's always so much that needs to be done!

    I'll be praying you heal quickly,

  4. are you feeling better!??? hope so


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