Sunday 1 June 2008

Even earlier musings

The advantage of having semi-nocturnal children is that they make sure you don't miss this:

For people who have clicked on that to see something pretty, forget it - it's the sounds you want. For anyone technically minded who is irritated by a sideways stationary video - feel free to explain to me how to record and attach a sound file, I'd be delighted!

Now Mog's sleeping again so I suppose I should follow suit. Roll on Tuesday and respite school.


  1. I think we must have the same brainwaves going, I recorded the sounds of the morning birds about 3 days ago. Hummm...

    Michelle & Emily

  2. who's the man in the background! lol

    I love that sound....its one of the things i miss about having double glazing..:)!

  3. The man in the background is one of our neighbours; I didn't hear that at the time!



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