Friday 20 June 2008

More birthday blogging

Mog's birthday started yesterday with a big multiple family breakfast; croissants with three mothers*, one father, and various assorted siblings and friends. We then went on to Kidzsouth, where we met up with some of our Special Kids friends as well as checking out some rather fantabulous equipment. Turns out that pedalling a trike with Mog's wheelchair on a platform on the front is harder than it looks - especially in a crowded exhibition hall! I believe a friend has photographic evidence so when her computer's running properly I may post the evidence.

The day finished with Mog making her promise as a Rainbow Guide - using her switch she promised to "do my best to love my God and to be kind and helpful". We'll see...

Today the fun continued with a second day off school. First stop, a support group for families of children who use the Community Nurses. Stories and foot massage for Mog, always welcome. Next stop a wheelchair clinic for Little Fish. Not quite so exciting for Mog perhaps, except lots of people who know her and who haven't seen her for a while. So lots of praise and comments.

And then an exciting evening. We listened to this

And tasted some of thisWhilst enjoying watching this:And getting excited about this:Sadly we then had to turn off cameras as the show proper began, but Mog was absolutely transfixed. Little Fish didn't hate all of it, and that is lots better than I was expecting. By the end of the show she was clapping along and shouting "Heyoo Man" to the clown. Mog meanwhile was taken with the whip cracking - I think she was getting ideas for keeping her servants in order - and by the human juggling acts (strong men juggling with little girls) - I have a feeling she may have been thinking of it as a novel form of physiotherapy!

This was a lovely small circus, intimate and coherent. Mog's older sister summed it up on the bus on the way back I think - "there was a fire and a passion, and they showed a strong community feeling". I'd like to have collected more of her thoughts, but she and her friend got distracted by the ongoing adventures of Mrs Rustypants and the man-eating doughnut, a story they are apparently in the middle of writing.

Home and tumble the girls into bed where Mog is falling asleep in Birthday pyjamas listening to new Birthday opera on CD with small red marks around her neck from her Birthday necklace but perhaps we won't mention that .

The house is nearly silent, and I need my sleep.
Night all,

*birth mother, guardian mother, God mother!

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