Tuesday 10 June 2008

More of what I do all day.

It isn't all gardening...

Yesterday I rang three numbers to find our respiratory nurse (and failed to reach her but left a message).
I rang the urology nurse and got hold of her first time.
Left a message for the neurology nurse who won't be in until tomorrow.
Rang the community children's nurse and reached her on the third attempt, she then rang me back twice and came to visit once.
Rang the girls' school once.
Rang the builder twice.
Called the prescriptions line to order some repeats.
Took a phonecall from the Occupational Therapist.
Took two phonecalls from the wheelchair supplier.
Played phone tag with the SENCo (special educational needs coordinator) from our local mainstream infant school.
Had an extremely complicated five way conversation over the phone trying to arrange a date to hold another pre-camp planning meeting (not disability related for once, still an extra commitment).
Taken a call from lift engineers determined to come in and service our lift (elevator, not hoist). The lift which lives in our old house, the house we moved out of over 4 years ago. The lift they called to arrange a service on last year, when we had the same conversation about how they would need to talk to the people who actually live in that house now. *

Today I have so far spoken to the respiratory nurse
Called the children's hospice and provisionally booked us in for a break soon (yay!)
Phoned our sitting service and provisionally booked sits for the girls to cover appointments and meetings.

I am now drawing breath (and giving time for people to respond to all the many messages left), before phoning the community occupational therapist, the prescriptions line again for items I forgot yesterday, and two social workers.

*Funny story - we moved out of that house because it wasn't really suitable for children with physical disabilities - it was a three storey Victorian Terrace with very tight narrow corridors and an inaccessible and unadaptable kitchen. The family who moved in, moved in because their house was not suitable for their daughter with physical disabilities, and our old place was, although not perfect, better than what they had. In turn, one of Mog's classmates from school and his family moved into the house vacated by the family who moved into our old house, because it was more suitable for children with physical disabilities than the house they were living in at the time! I did want to know who moved into their house, whether that too might have been a family with a disabled child but sadly I think the disability chain ended there.


  1. What of Bob? Has he finished? I have de-lurked to discover the answer to this critical question.

  2. Sorry about that - I spoke to Bob yesterday and he said that he would be here "this afternoon, all day Tuesday and Wednesday". He turned up at 1.30 or so yesterday and was here for a couple of hours, drilled a hole in a wall, posted an electrical cable through it, and then left. He said he was going to buy the circuit breaker thing needed to wire in the electric cable (which had a plug on it originally, but that wasn't good enough apparently), buy some wood to add a retaining wall to the decking so that it will hold the large stones he has bought for it (I had a bucket of small pebbles but they aren't good enough either apparently), and be back in the morning.

    This morning I had a text telling me he would be here this afternoon.

    He wasn't.

  3. Hi there, have found your blog after it was mentioned on some website somewhere (can't remember where now!), and after reading 'when the bough breaks' as well.

    Am hooked, having links via Abingdon (my sister lives there, rest of the family scattered around Oxfordshire), special needs (I am a classroom assistant in a special school, love every minute of it) and church (heard you mentioning it a couple of times since I've been reading, wonder which church you are part of?)

    Probaby won't comment much at all but just thought I would delurk to say hello.

    Love the blog, thank you for sharing :)

  4. Welcome to both delurkers!

    Nice to hear from someone with local connections.

    You asked about my church.It's a very friendly, very alive Evangelical Anglican church in Abingdon. I was Baptised there as a baby, confirmed there as a teenager (reBaptised in a Baptist church whilst failing to be a student but that's a different story! I'm a Christian first and an Anglican very much second). My brother was married there, and the funeral services for my grandmother and my daughter were held there. It is my church home and always has been.



If you have trouble posting your comment please try sending it again - for some reason it seems to take 2 to 3 attempts sometimes. Sorry - I don't know why that is!

If you are commenting on something to do with one of my fostered children, please respect confidentiality and don't post details I haven't already mentioned on the blog. Thanks