Thursday 10 July 2008


I have my own computer again; here be photos from the last few days.

Getting ready to go to Helen House, this made me very happy:
A quick lunch before leaving the house, discovering this on the last bite of my sandwich made me distinctly unhappy:
Here, a reason why the parents' flats in Helen House are so relaxing:And here, another:Now you might think this site would be cause for complaint:but it kept my garden alive, and absolved me from any feeling that I really ought to saunter down Cowley Road into Oxford and DO SOMETHING with my time off. So it was welcome instead.

Lots of time cosied up with a good book, plenty of time cuddling with the girls, nice food, a choice of company or peaceful solitude. Very nice.

And we had been home about an hour when this sight met our eyes:
Bob with our new gate. Hurrah! A new edge to the platform which wasn't a ramp too. The whole not entirely finished but a distinct improvement and the promise of his return if it doesn't rain tomorrow.

A lazy afternoon with friends, a party at Rainbows for Mog, a Grannie to help put the girls to bed, and soon my very own wonderfully comfortable bed.


  1. How perfectly relaxing... I'm ready for a stay too, just wish it were possible!!

    YAY for a gate, work done and the promise of more work to come!

    Hugs & Prayers!!

  2. Sounds like you were able to have a great couple of days or so to relax and get refreshed. How wonderful.


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