Saturday 12 July 2008


Break out the Toblerone alpine horns, practice eating fondue yodelling, get yourself ready to take loads and loads of cable cars fit for mountain hikes, for we have booked our holiday and are going to Switzerland!

Friend visited overnight and we actually made our plans*. Sadly it looks as though we'll miss Heidi country, but Chalet School, Susan Interferes, and various other childhood books will all get a look in.

We're not going until April next year, but having simultaneously organised that and sorted out a week away over New Year, I am mildly startled** to realise that we are now fully booked for every single school holiday from next week til next summer!

Such a shame my girls will never go anywhere, never enjoy anything, prevent me from having any kind of a life [sarcasm mode: off].

*we've only been talking about it for about a year now.

**alright somewhat nauseatingly panicked at the speed of life


  1. a girl (or girls in your case) can never have too many holidays. I love Switzerland, we go there once or twice a year to visit my friend and my god-daughter (nearly 3)...hoping to go in the autumn for a weekend. (near Zurich)

  2. goodness me and I am wondering how I will be ready for two weeks less than 2 hours away from home. Your girls are such a millstone girlI dont know how you smile! LOL

    sending love!

  3. awesome. Can I come live with you?

  4. As a newbie to your blog, hope you and the kids have an ace time. As a Chalet School fan, I would recommend Interlaken, it's got the most beautiful setting.

  5. That's good to hear as we've booked ourselves in there for a bit! Couldn't not stay in Interlaken - well, not unless the Gornetz Platz actually did happen to exist...


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