Wednesday 2 July 2008

Take Two Minutes

Lauren got me thinking yesterday (it took a while, but she managed it).

It's not always easy to find things to entertain our children with profound disabilities. There are all sorts of high tech stuff we have - touch screen computers, sensory equipment, etc., but none of it is terribly portable, and a lot of it takes some time to get set up. So, I was thinking about activities which take just two minutes to prepare, but which will occupy the child for considerably longer than that.

Here's my list - if other people can add to it then we might just have something useful for the summer holidays!

Take a bowl or roasting pan, half an inch of water and a big squirt of washing up liquid. Rest it on a wheelchair tray and enjoy splashing the bubbles about.

Half a dozen ice cubes on a wheelchair tray make good things to chase around too.

Feet in a bucket of water to kick or just soak.

Foil blankets, lametta and angel hair to hold and squidge or just to watch sparkle in the sun.

Dried pasta and sugar in a bowl to sift through and stir.

Dry cornflakes to crush

If you don't mind getting messy, then jelly or instant whip (US translation - Jello and Pudding!) to squish through fingers and toes.

Coloured feathers and different scraps of fabric for a nice soft feely bowl. We have an ostrich (or possibly emu, not sure) feather duster which makes a for a nice gentle tickle.

Grass to lie on under a tree to watch the patterns the light forms when the wind moves the leaves.

A sheepskin rug or pillow to snuggle on or rest feet and hands on, with small balls of wool or fluff to clutch in tight fists.

A regular fan, with ribbons and strips of foil and cellophane threaded into the protective grille, to form streamers blowing in the breeze.

Windchimes or temple bells hung from a washing line to kick or grab at.

For that matter, sheets or fleecy blankets hanging from a washing line to get all tangled up in. My girls like getting dripped on too but I wouldn't consider that a universal pleasure!

More for the washing line - a ball on a piece of string, especially a noisy ball. Careful positioning and it can be moved with the lightest of touch and will always swing back to the child again.

A groundsheet or piece of plastic, a bit of water and a lot of shower gel - very slippery and easy to kick and roll about on (top tip - when you want to pick the child up again slide them off it onto a towel first or it's like trying to lift greased spaghetti).

A bucket of smooth stones to stir or wriggle toes in, or have placed gently on an elbow, knee or tummy, to try to dislodge.

Netting (of the curtain or tutu-padding type) to lie under and watch the world through.

I'll add to this as I think of things - please add your own in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. A tube of super glue to keep the more mobile child in place and a mouth guard to keep the edible bits out of the mouth????

    I can see lots of tht entertaining Eve but sabotaged by Rosie!

    eve is right now watching the washing blowing on the line she too likes o be dripped on but it hasnt rained on it yet!

    THose peggy sock and underwear airers make good portable mobiles...Trying to find a way of clamping it to the wheelchair tomak a cheap version of the TFH activity arch. all sorts of the aforemntioned attracticve materials can be hung from it!

    Lol the security letters to leave this comment is eeggs...I was trying to workout what eggs could be used for as an entertainment!


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