Wednesday 23 July 2008

Then again, maybe we won't.

So, Friday morning bright and early we are booked to drive to Wales for Guide Camp.
Naturally, this means that the midnight madness from Mog has turned out to be a chest infection. Not only that, but the GP has vetoed camping with her this week.

So are we staying home? Nope, have spoken to the campsite owners and they have booked us into a bed and breakfast for the week; could not have been more helpful. We'll join the Guides during the day and then retreat to comfort at night and have somewhere warm and dry to retreat to if it rains. Sounds pretty perfect actually!

I hope she's over it by next week; it won't be quite so easy to sort out alternative accommodation at New Wine or Special Kids camps. And we are definitely NOT missing out on Italy!



  1. Still reeling from my late night followed by early hour suctioning trips - was worth it though, as you said!

    Glad you have found a way of keeping to your plans, imagine all the joys of camping but with proper beds and baths. Bliss!

    Look after yourself, hugs to Mogs and LF


  2. Have a great time. I look forward to the photos and news.

  3. Hope Mog recovers quickly. Enjoy guide camp - hope it stays dry for you all.



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