Saturday 30 August 2008

More on Being Three

When you're three, you have different priorities. The adults around you might want to take photographs of each other, of you, or even, inexplicably, of the noisy baby they drag everywhere with them. Given their location in a restaurant, they might even want to take pictures of a particularly fine meal. But when you're three, this is what you see:

When you're grown up, flying to Italy for a week in the sun means that sometimes you get a bit annoyed when this happens.But when you're three, it's an opportunity. The grown ups might not be terribly excited by your beautiful ballet dance. And that silly cousin might be more concerned about keeping the woof dog in her sight at all time just incase it does something scary like fall asleep, pant, or twitch an ear
Thankfully though, when you're three, your six year old cousin becomes the most discerning audience you could wish forEven if she does keep her eyes closed.

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