Thursday 25 September 2008

Paulton's Park

Today we went on a big school trip. The big school trip, the annual outing to Paulton's Park.Lots of photos taken, but too many other people's children in most of them.

Mog's highlight was either this waterslide ride - she and I are in the middle here -
or the last rollercoaster we rode, no photos at all as everyone needed both hands to hold tight!

Little Fish was very taken with the tractor ride and absolutely convinced that she had been driving it all herself. No photo of that as she was in front of me.

A good day. A poorly child (for once not one of mine) who made a magical recovery as soon as he was placed on any of the rides. An excuse not to queue perhaps? Not really, genuinely poorly, but he enjoyed his rides inbetween his illness. Great to see.

One very happy Little Fish beetling about in her wheelchair rounding us all up and sending us on to the next ride, directing traffic, bossing us all about. Several smaller children running around pressing buttons and climbing on and off ride along toys. Staff, volunteers and parents all reasonably relaxed together. A lovely lunch (can still taste that cheesecake, I should probably clean my teeth), actual sun in the sky, some friendly park staff and some very obliging bus drivers.

One Mog doing what she always does at these things, sleeping as we walked between rides, opening her eyes to assess the situation every time we stopped somewhere, loving the wilder rides and snoozing through the quieter ones, saving her energy for her excitements.

One class teacher sadly off sick, R we missed you!

On our return home we found thisOne Woof Cat tapping his watch and asking "What time do you call this?"

And now one extremely tired Tia who is incapable of making this post into anything more coherent.

Thank you to everyone who made this day happen.


  1. What you do is amazing.
    Blessings from Costa Rica

  2. How did you get Mog on the water slide. I can't imagine carrying her up all the stairs?

  3. Ehh I think that is an extremely good summary of a fab and groovy day. Yesterday's laughter and memories have helped make the clearing of snot easier today than it would have been ;-)


  4. glad you had a good day...christina was most put out last time we went she was too small to ride the water slide alone and had to go with someone! joshua was big enough.

    lovely day for a trip out!


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