Friday 31 October 2008

Perfect Moments

The light outside is fading, it is cold and windy. Inside, the house has been made shiny and clean during our absence this morning. A Matt Redman CD playing. I sit on the settee, one small ginger cat purring quietly into my ear, and a small super-soft grey cat purring more loudly in my lap. Cuddled up beside me is one small child, snuggling in full of love and trust and sleepiness. Opposite me a taller girl singing along to the CD in her own fashion.

And it strikes me, this is perfect. I would not change a single thing. This, right here, right now, is the best place we could possibly be, and the best thing we could possibly be doing.

Life is good.


  1. i love moments like that...have a wonderful evening xx

  2. ooo is it the cd i helped to buy?
    say hi to the beautiful girls for me!!!

  3. you all deserve the beauty of the moment!
    much love!

  4. It is Courtney - and in fact as far as LF is concerned it's still called "Courtney Courtney Courtney!"

    She wants to know when you're coming to see her too!


  5. Brings to mind a quote from a Gaither song--"These are the moments to hold in our hands and to touch as they slip through our fingers like sand. Yesterday's gone and tomorrow may never come but these are the moments today.'
    What a precious time


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