Monday 26 January 2009

Aaaand relax

I appear to have found a way to encourage lurkers to post; thanks to all of you.

This should have been a photographic blog, but the computer is not inclined to share.

So instead I'll tell you that Mog is asleep, in a bed not an armchair, for the first time in weeks. Hurrah. She may not last the whole night, but I don't care; she's doing it for now - nicely propped in a profiling bed. I hope her new bed gets to us at home soon.

Little Fish is nearly asleep, occasional mutterings of "I bit sad Mumma, I bit hurty Mumma, I not going to bed I not tired" are fading slowly.

And I have flat in the hospice instead, not over the road, a flat with a bath not a shower. So if I want to sneak downstairs and check on Mog's progress in her bed overnight I can do so, and in the meantime, I am going to enjoy a nice deep bath without worrying that the taps running will wake a sleeping child or disguise a drowning cough.

Thanks again


  1. You enjoy that bath girl!!

  2. Enjoy your bath, you deserve it. As for the last post,i want to say, we all bite of more than we can chew, so that we can give more than we nomally give. We can grow spirituality. I never think of your children as adopted as they are completely yours, if fact i think they look like you to lol. I hope you havent let that comment spoil your time at HH.

    Hugs xx

    PS dont forget the bubble bath xx

  3. Oh a nice hot bath ~ a little bit of heaven!! ENJOY!!

  4. Your plans sound wonderful. Enjoy! Wish we had Heen House here. I just sounds lovely!

  5. sleep well need the rest xx


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