Thursday 5 February 2009

It Must Be Thursday

I have a list of things to do today, some pleasant, some less so. There is training planned for the staff at Little Fish's pre-school to get them used to her feeding pump and medications. There's an urgent need for a very short trip into town. There's a cat I hope to collect from the vet at some point. And there's some nicer stuff also supposed to be happening.

I should have known. It's Thursday. And we have woken to this:At least it did it properly this time!
It is pretty I suppose.

And now our carer has just rung to cancel, so I had better get moving - and as I typed that, a message came through cancelling school too.

Proper snow day! Mmm I wonder about pre-school?


1 comment:

  1. yeah..!
    i was blowing really hard for it to come your way..ever since monday...i am really out of breath now..:)


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