Tuesday 24 February 2009

Mother in Training?

Now how long before she's reliable enough to take Mog for walks for me?
ps - and how long before the council repair that fence and people stop walking and cycling over my garden?


  1. Lol! Think you need to fit bumpers (large ones!) to Mog's wheelchair first! Although if she is anything like Matthew she will love the bumpy ride!

  2. How great is LF. Nag at the council if you have time lol xx

  3. What LF needs is one of those stroller strecthers to give her a bit of an extension on the handle!
    She looks to be having great fun!

  4. Well it might be quite a bit until she's ready to give Mog a ride--But you have to admire her spunk and determination-and attitude!

  5. LF is awesome and so very clever! I can just hear Mog laughing at all the josteling and bumping! You do need your fence fixed! How rude!

  6. Great clip Tia - Go Little Fish! Perhaps you should send the clip to the council, they might get a move on...

  7. If only we could bottle and sell those giggles! We'd be rich, rich women!!!

    ; )


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