Tuesday 3 February 2009

Tiredness is

Mistaking this:For this:

Exhaustion is:Not noticing until you are halfway through it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to try that again:


  1. or the salt for the sugar!
    hope you get a good nights sleep tonight xx

  2. Oh.my.goodness!!! And you didn't notice? Poor Tia, you need some good solid sleep, I think. And maybe a few less things to be anxious about! So thankful the cat is recovering!!!

    I'm thinking a cupboard reorganization is in order, too!!! Put one of those jars waaaaay faaar away from the other one!!!

    Wishing you a peaceful night,

  3. Alesha you're right - but I'm ashamed to admit, it isn't a cupboard reorganisation I need, I just need to put the jar away! The coffee lives on my counter, the gravy shouldn't. I haven't had gravy for a fortnight.

    Goway update: He's not doing any better than he was this morning so still having lots of medicine. Thankfully he is not needing oxygen anymore, but he can't come home either.

  4. hey, obviously the coffee shop coffee not as good as we thought, if your taste buds are that knackered!! Hope you have good night, and that Goway does too. Love to all, Alison xxx

  5. I sorry and a bit ashammed... I laughed at your misfortune... gigg... OOPS! Hugs & Prayers that you will be clear minded enough to get a cood cup of coffee or 2 soon!!


  6. Ah, but have you ever picked up a tube of what you thought was toothpaste only to discover (too late alas!) that it was hair removal cream? I swear the taste lasted a week in my mouth...

    Hope Goway's back home soon.

  7. Oh yuck you win Elinor! I mean, I know I wake up with a fuzzy tongue sometimes but there are limits...

  8. Fuzzy tongue - hah!

    Elinor may have done it with hair removing cream but I almost did the same thing with my mother's cracked nipple cream when I was 10. It didn't touch my tongue but just the thought of it was mortifying.

  9. I made gravy with coffee. in-laws complemented me on my unusual gravy :-)

  10. Wow! You are or realy tired or just preoccupied with other thigs.It is happend with me too. Did you ever put in the fridge the knife and to look for whaen you want to prepare dinner? I know.It's disturbing.

  11. Wow! You are or realy tired or very preocupied.
    It happend with me too. Did you ever put in the fridge the knife and to look for it when you want to prepare the dinner?


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