Tuesday 10 March 2009

And so to bed

I think it's safe to say she likes it. Three days in, and she is falling asleep without her sedative, stretching out in the night without hitting the sides, sleeping through until gone 4AM without seizures, waking up happy and refreshed and ready to join in with school and life in general.
Of course I woke her up taking this picture, so we might have scuppered all that for tonight.


  1. that sounds great long may it continue Mog!

  2. Sleeping Beauty ! So pleased the new bed is a hit.

    Caroline x

  3. YAY! I'm all for sleep and I know you agree. Nice to see that Mog is catching on to the idea. Praying she continues to sleep well ;o)


  4. Such a simple thing! (OK, not so simple really!)
    Here's hoping she continues to like it!

  5. Awesome! I am so happy for Mog and you. May sleep remain a good thing at your house. I love the bed. Really nice for all.
    Who makes this bed?

  6. The bed comes from insignis - http://www.insignisltd.co.uk/products.htm . It's really lovely - beech frame with perspex sides so Mog can see out, we can see Mog, but she can't wrap her arms (or head) around the bars as she can with cot sides.


  7. sounds good. Cant wait till Celyn does the same. She co-sleeps because they wont give me a seizure monitor or Sats monitor and at 5 she screams for 4 or 5 hours if she isn't cuddled to sleep.

  8. Fab. Good sleep cannot be underestimated.


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