Sunday 22 March 2009

Dear Carer,

Did we really need to have this conversation?

Carer, this morning - "Where is Mog's seat cover?"
Me - "On the clothes horse in the sunroom or on the kitchen radiator"
Carer, 2 minutes later - "Where is Mog's hoist sling?"
Me - "On the clothes horse in the sunroom or on the kitchen radiator"
Carer, 2 minutes later - "Where are Mog's tights?"
Me - "On the clothes horse in the sunroom, or on the kitchen radiator. Really, everything like that will be on one of those two places if it isn't in her bedroom"
Carer, 10 minutes later - "Where are Mog's oh no, I'll go and have a look"

Carer, 10 minutes later - "Where is Mog's hairbrush?"
Me - "Wherever you left it after brushing her hair on Friday. We couldn't find it yesterday".
Carer - "At least it's not on the clothes horse..."

Carer, this evening - "Where are the towels?"
Me "On the clothes horse or, altogether now"
C and M "On the kitchen radiator!"

She's getting there. Although she hasn't learnt the most useful thing ever yet - just ask Little Fish. She knows everything.



  1. At least she didn't ask where Mog herself was.......!

  2. haha! Good one! Be bad if she couldn't find the kiddo especially after all the cleaning ;0)

    Trina and Jophie


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