Thursday 19 March 2009


Today was one of those perfect days. I woke up early this morning and I knew it would be a lovely day. The pre-dawn light had an air of anticipation; waking up the birds and then the world to the wonders of spring.
A bright, bright, sunshiney day; warm enough to leave cardigans unbuttoned but cool enough to want to be doing things.
Ideal weather for spending a day weeding, pruning, pottering about the garden just enjoying the freshness of the day and the beauty of another year.
Hunting for birds' nests and hoping they are intruder-proof this year.
Sorry, birds.

It was in fact an utterly glorious day. Walking to and from preschool was a delight matched only by the bliss on Little Fish's face as she burst into preschool ready to share both Makka Pakka Pants AND a cheese sandwich in her lunchbox. Lovely.

So it's a bit of a shame really that I spent the time she was away not on my knees on the damp grass nor even at a garden table with a cup of tea. Instead I spent the day in the kitchen making some of these
And a dish of this
which came out perfectly, leading me to wonder why I can make excellent savoury tarts and quiches yet still fail to make a decent baked egg custard.
And just about have time to squeeze in some of these
Before picking Little Fish up from preschool and beginning the afternoon and evening routine.

We had a slice of this for our tea
and Little Fish said "I do not like this". Which caused me pain for my wasted efforts and pride that she had finally added the word "do" to her vocabulary. And then annoyed me* until I had a moment of inspiration and told her it was cheesy onion noodles. At which point she cleared the plate. So there you have it, cheesy onion noodles folks - shortcrust pastry baked blind, onion rings sweated in butter until soft, and a nice egg/cheese/mustard/custard mix over the top. Not Bird's custard, obviously. Tasty.

And then it was time for a spot of Grannie visiting, and then it was time for Rainbows, where I had the dubious pleasure of helping my daughter manufacture a Mother's Day card for her to give me on Sunday. And then another Rainbow Guides pleased the Rainbows mightily by bringing in her newly awoken tortoisesDid I say pleased the Rainbows? Pleased them all but Mog, anyway. Who was most disgusted.

And I shall leave you with a picture of Little Fish destroying the radiology outpatient's department playing in the waiting room yesterday.
Oh for half her strength!

And now, since I was up ridiculously early this morning, and since the clear blue skies mean the temperature has dropped really rather impressively now, I am off to bed.
Night All

*which is when and why I nipped outside to take the flowery photos.


  1. YUM! All the food in this post looks delicious.

  2. yum, yum, hope lf enjoyed the sandwich, what a great step forward xxx

  3. Wow, talk about Maison Tia.

  4. I think you are very clever not being able to make baked custards but wonderful quiches.....


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