Monday 16 March 2009

Succinct, and slightly random*

OrderOut of chaos.
And Order
In the midst of chaos.
*Thanks to L who doesn't read this but thinks she will one day, and who summarised my communications with her in this way recently.


  1. Poetic!
    That's a very tiny sink, Tia. How do you manage? :)

  2. Wow very impressed by (or is that jealous of) the tidy bathroom windowsill!

  3. It's about average size for most households here in the UK I think! We do have a dishwasher in the cabinet under the draining board, but it stopped working a couple of years ago, and replacing it has been on my to-do list ever since.


  4. wow, Tia. we Americans do like everything to be big (& convenient). Funny story--I was on a spiritual retreat in the US and hung out a lot with a British lady (immigrant from Africa),a Korean lady, and an Australian man. They were complaining about the hugeness of the lemonade at lunch, the excessively wide roads, etc. I said, "Aww, why not just ENJOY it?" that hadn't occurred to them, and we all laughed. Each culture's values reflect a bit of the Lord's nature, doesn't it? Takes all countries to make a world. Hope you get your dishwasher soon!

  5. hmmm ~ I didn't think the sink looked that small until I read Sarah's comment. However, I did drool a bit at the huge counter space! Yet, as I sit her and think about it, my sink here in Japan is about twice the size of yours while my counter space is about the size of your sink. Gotta love the differences!


  6. WOOT! My comment published on the 1st try! In the past it always takes 2 or 3 times. This time I was signed in before I tried to comment ~ must remember that!

  7. I dream of surfaces as far as the eye can see... soon, soon.


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