Thursday 2 April 2009

Letters from America.

So, this morning, I was all set to write a "hurrah; we've got it sussed - four of us up and dressed and all showered in the last 16 hours and everyone out of the house on time for school and preschool" type post. And then my mind started mentally composing it, until I suddenly realised we had in fact run out of time and were now officially Late For Preschool. This is a big deal; more than 2 minutes late and the gates are closed and you have to wait outside for the next 20 minutes. So we rushed.

And in rushing, we somehow left Little Fish's Easter Bonnet behind. So the TA kid and I walked back home and then back to preschool with it. It's a 5 minute walk each way. And in that 20 minutes I somehow managed about 8 phonecalls - not bad going.

And now we have the right carseat for the TA kid. One friend had a set of straps but no seat, another has seat and no straps. Together, they are rather more use!

A quick trip to Budgens with the TA kid. Chocolate for some children, emergency food for our flights on Saturday (which means more chocolate plus potted custard; we need squishy food which isn't fresh and doesn't need to be kept in the 'fridge). An apple and raspberry pie reduced so perfect for the freezer. A pork pie also reduced. Chocolate for different friends. And some Zantac and Rennies for myself. It wasn't until I put it all through the checkout I realised how that looked. Ah well.

Home then, and a big stack of post. Two letters for neighbours, oops. One set of bills, bother. One cheque from someone wanting us to have an extra special holiday; hurrah! And Presents!

Not really for Little Fish's Birthday, but things for me. Lovely.
A big fat parcel from Trina and Jophie

Incontinence pads, excellent!
Ah no, there's something underneath!

Two beautifully crocheted hats for the girls and our Meals For Wheels books. Trina and others have worked so hard on this book; it's a beautiful thing.

Telephones for the girls to play with
And popcorn, instant oatmeal, and marshmallow peeps for me! Hurrah! Food to eat to make me fat and a book of recipes to make me thin again - perfect!

But wait, there's more. Another parcel, from another friend in a different part of America. Michelle from The Tender Scribe sent me this
which she has made herself. The picture doesn't do it justice; it's beautiful. And so delicate.

Thanks, Michelle and Trina!

1 comment:

  1. WOW that parcel fro Trina was quick!
    And what beautiful presents...I love the Cross so wonderful.
    Are you taking your dongle with you???? or are we Tialess for two weeks!
    Love and hugs


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