Tuesday 19 May 2009

Operation Discharge

Operation discharge has begun. The doctor has been to visit, and decreed that Little Fish's xray yesterday was insufficient. So we need to do that again. And wait for the smaller brace to be delivered. "And that's it".

Right, so everything else has been done then?
Apparently so, there's just the tiny matter of a discharge letter, a drugs chart and some nursing notes but they will be done.

Ok, so we need various letters to be wriiten by various people, an xray and a new brace, and then we will be fit to go?
Yes. The physio is visiting later too with some exercises and a piece of padding.

So that's letters, xray, brace, physio, and then we're free to go?
That's right. Oh, and the other doctor needs to see you.

You know we have to be at the hospice for 2.30 as their doctor leaves then?
Yes yes, it should all be done by then. But it's ok if not; you can just stay another night.

But we don't want to stay another night.
Yes hmmm have today's menus and you'd better order tea as well as lunch. Sorry got to run now.

I want to go...


  1. Hope you get to escape if you havent already.

  2. I hope you manage to escape xxx

  3. Woohoo! Hoping for good news and lots of pictures of the family in the sunny garden.
    Michelle in USA

  4. Oh boy can I ever relate.....Better order up som grub girlie :0)

    Talk soon! Can't wait!

    Trina and Jophie


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