Thursday 14 May 2009

There must be somewhere something I do not need to do today

3 tube feeds
3 sets of meds
3 children dressed
Mog to school
Little Fish to preschool with packed lunch and meds
Wahooligan's kit packed ready for respite
Mog's kit packed ready for hospice

Pay milk bill, cancel milk for next week
Goway to Cattery
Laundry mountain conquered
Find cheque book
Over to the hospice to fill in all Mog's paperwork ready for tomorrow

Wahooligan handed over to respite carers
Little Fish packed for hospital

Yours truly packed for hospital
Old van emptied and cleaned
Fix intermittent Internet problem
Find phone charger
Mog to Rainbows
New van received
Money from bank for van and for next week
Meds from the chemist for hospital and hospice
Collect Little Fish from preschool
Last bath for LF for three months
House into a more respectable state
sleep, and drink coffee



  1. Tia, don't forget to pack us along... we're going with you (at least our prayers will be)!
    Michelle & girls in USA

  2. So glad you got your van. Enjoy! Praying for a good recovery period for LF. Praying for peace and comfort for you while you wait.

  3. We're praying for Little Fish, for a successful surgery and quick recover. We'll be taking notes of all the details as well, since Isaac is likely to have this op in the future.

    Don't worry about the "to do" will work itself out eventually. You can always sleep in the waiting room at the hospital. (yeah...right...)

    Will be waiting to hear the "all clear",

  4. Sending many prayers and good recovery wishes for LF. May it all go well, will be thinking of you all. Hope Mog has fun at the hospice to and you get some time to relax. xxx


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