Thursday 4 June 2009

Club Med

Little Fish seemed a little unwell and not in her usual pattern of illness. So we called the nurse and the nurse called another. And the other sent us to the hospital and the hospital sent us for a CT scan, and Little Fish screamed so they couldn't do it, and instead they sent us up to bed. So now we're here for the night at least and hopefully not much more.

For those of a medical bent she is not producing urine- not retaining it, her bladder is empty. Just not producing. That was her original complaint. My jeans bear testimony to the fact that this has now resolved. It's been dipped (a clean sample not that which was wrung out of my jeans) and shows ketones but nothing much else. It has gone to be cultured anyway.

She's been stabbed and her bloods say dehydrated but no infection. It's been sent somewhere to be cultured anyway.

Her temperature was 39.3 when we saw the gp but 37.9 since we got to hospital.

As we drove to hospital she started vomiting coffee grounds and has produced impressive quantities. I did tell her she really didn't need to prove she was poorly and the doctors and nurses would believe her anyway, but she just looked at me, teared up, and told me "I not poorly I finished sicking now we go home pleeeeeese".

Neurosurgeon reviewed her and doesn't think shunt is playing up but wants her scanned anyway. We took a quick trip via the CT machine, but she wasn't having any of it. So the surgeon has settled for hourly neuro obs overnight and review in the morning. Hoping we can avoid an MRI but I suppose if she does have to have one then at least we'll know for sure that isn't the problem.

So we're left with one little girl feeling very pukey and sore and sorry for herself with people prodding at her all night long. IV ranitidine going in shortly and then we can retire to the relative peace of hourly obs.

Meanwhile huge thanks go to Helen House, who were able to take Mog at a moment's notice with nothing but meds and a single spare inco pad. Had brought her meds so she could have her evening ones here, thinking I'd have to abandon Little Fish once she was asleep (or smuggle Mog into the room and keep her on the wardrobe). Phoned the hospice on the offchance they might be free and they had a bed if we could get her there within 30 minutes. So abandoned LF to Grannie and the medics, and raced around the corner to book her in. Fastest drop off ever and back before LF had been stabbed or even examined. Mog can if absolutely necessary stay there until Friday, so that gives us tomorrow to get to the bottom of this. Continues illness over the weekend will lead to intense stress and the need to clone myself. So a rapid recovery for LF would be good, please.

And now the drugs have been given, the latest set of obs carried out, the various pumps and monitors have been set to limits which do not cause them to alarm every five minutes. I don't have a toothbrush or a nightie, but I do have a bed and a blanket and even a couple of pillows. So I'm off to make the best of it.



  1. Oh my goodness...poor Little Fishy Girl! So sorry to hear of your club med stay for tonight. I will pray that the cause comes to light immediately and can be resolved right away.

    Just ask a nurse for a spare toothbrush. Surely they have a stock of them somewhere. : )


  2. in my thoughts and prayers
    much love Tina

  3. hope she is better this morning xxx

  4. Praying that things are sorted today and LF has a rapid recovery.
    Catherine x

  5. Poor Little Fish :( Hope you're all home soon, and all better.

  6. Thinking of Little Fish and you all very much.Millgirl.

  7. Get well soon LF - Take care of yourself Tia xx

  8. OH ~ Poor LF!! Praying all the tests and pokes and prods will show an easy to take care of something or other. I am also glad Mog was able to go to Helen House so that you don't need to worry about her!

    Take care or you!

    Hugs & Prayers!!

  9. Crikey! Hope LF is better soon and you are all back at home as quickly as may be.

  10. It is a pain that you can only really get a toothbrush from superdrug if open there :(

  11. Praying all is sorted quickly and home soon. I am always amazed at how rapidly things change with our kids. Poor mum, poor LF. So glad you have Helen House there.

  12. oh, and cloning yourself might not be a bad idea anyway. then you could come hang out with me for awhile.

  13. Ugh girlie.....Coffee ground puke scares me to death...Make sure they test it for blood cause usually coffee ground puke is old blood coming from a bleed somewhere in the gut...

    Too much excitement! Tell LF to stop it NOW! LOL

    Praying it all works itself out..

    Trina and Jophie


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