Tuesday 23 June 2009

Jophie's Jungle Boutique

Three cheers for Trina! Despite being quite ridiculously busy with Jophie, she still found time to set her Boutique brains in gear and come up with three beautiful outfits for three equally beautiful children.
Wanting to create outfits which weren't identical but went well together, looking for something suitable for a boy as well as two girls, wasn't easy.
We settled on this fabulous fabric. perfect for the Wahooligan and will be loved by Little Fish too. Mog's we decided needed toning down a little, but I left it to Trina to come up with the finer details.
And so she did. One girlie skirt and top with just a hint of crazy traffic around the edges for Mog.
One beautifully handsome very boyly outfit for the Wahooliganwhich is a little blurry in the photo, but since he's a little blurry in our lives at the moment it seems reasonably appropriate,

and one tomboy supercute outfit for the Little Fish in the middle.
They didn't quite arrive in time for our holiday with the Wahooligan, but then I'm not sure LF's will fit over her brace, so that was definitely just as well. We'll have to fix a time for them to meet and force them to tolerate many photos together. Joys of being the adults; you get to torture small children with matching outfits and photo shoots.

There is just one teeny tiny problem with the outfits. They came with matching hair clips. Three of them.
I'm just not sure which one is meant for the Wahooligan?

Thanks again, Trina; I know they'll be loved and appreciated. And whilst Jophie's Jungle Boutique isn't fully stocked right now, I do know Trina is always interested in doing special orders, Jophie's health permitting.



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