Tuesday 16 June 2009


Two years since my Goldie died. But this is a happy time, we're on holiday here (two years it is since we were last in Tenby too), so let's find some happier twos.

Two girls on holiday, sharing a bedroom, and upstairs, two boys on holiday, also sharing a room (unless we've had a major rearranging of furniture to accommodate one child's need to sleep over another child's need to be loud in the night). Two families hopefully enjoying a peaceful week, two years after our first attempt at holidaying together. And two months until we do it all over again, but this time with rather a lot of other families in slightly less luxurious surroundings, camping out for the Special Kids in the UK fun day.


1 comment:

  1. Hi tia, So glad you are having a good break away. Thinking of you today xxx

    Lseed x


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