Monday 17 August 2009

Too few photos

How to summarise? Not enough photos, too much time spent living to remember to take time out to record it.
FunFrustrationsAnd flaming balloons
And now home, laundry, washing up, unpacking, repacking, a damp tent to be spread out somewhere, bruises and bites to be taken care of, and two girls with a beautifully healthy glow to their slightly sun-caught faces tucked up in bed and already asking about New Year.

Thinking of those who weren't able to be here this year, especially those who missed out because their children were in hospital. And hoping to meet even more of you next year.

Thinking of those who are still camping, and feeling slightly miffed that, yet again, we had to come back early for other commitments. Feeling that it's all gone far too quickly and I didn't get to spend time with half the people I'd planned to see. Friends less than half a field away seemingly on the other side of the world, but others closer than ever.

And there's always next time.

1 comment:

  1. OH! I love this line, "too much time spent living to remember to take time out to record it"

    You amaze me every day.


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