Wednesday 7 October 2009

Day twiddly-umpty

Because although it's only been less than a fortnight I'm losing track of how long it's been. Outside, each new paving slab takes an entire load of concrete to set in place. I'm told this is unusual and will mean I could park a small house on the driveway when it is done. Not having any grand desire to do so, I half wish they'd find a quicker and cheaper way of doing things, but these things will take the time they take.

No builders outside yesterday as it was raining until 9am. I'm not entirely sure why they couldn't come once the rain had stopped, but meanwhile Mog's new doorway has been cut, giving her bedroom that "hey, others have ensuite bathrooms but I have an entire ensuite house" look, and filling her bed with boxes and dust so she's camping out in the cot in my room. This is not entirely successful, hence I'm posting at 3am having evicted her to a more upright position back in her wheelchair. Obstructo-gal is entirely too noisy for me. She's now living it up in the large gap by her bed, projector on, music playing, and if her singing isn't necessarily any quieter than her squeak hiss judder mode of breathing, it is at least easier on my ear, and I'm sure more comfortable for her too.

In answer to a a few questions, yes, Bob is and was a real builder, not a mate doing me a favour. No, he hasn't finished yet and I don't suppose he ever will. This isn't the last bit of work we need doing to the house but I think I'll recover from this one before going for the next. And yes, I do know what time it is.



  1. Is building work ever finished....I decided yesterday that giving up on hopeing ever to be finished/tidy/respectable was probably the only way to regather some hope!
    Sincerely hope the dust is not affecting the girls breathing too much and that sleep is restored soon!


  2. I thought you'd had all the adaptations done last year> Please tell me I wont have to have more builders in as I thought Celyn's stuff was done!

  3. Riven - we had one DFG five years ago - this gave us a wider doorway, a wider hallway, and an adapted bathroom plus hoists.

    We then needed hoists in a second bedroom when Mog got big enough to need hoisting as well as Goldie - that was about 3 years ago.

    Our Bob-works were not DFG works but private building works, to rebuild our sunroom which was falling down, and to provide wheelchair access from it to the garden (done) and from the rest of the house to the sunroom (still waiting - I should really just go out and buy a plastic ramp).

    Now this new DFG work is to Mog's bedroom as she now needs a larger bed. Her bedroom is long and narrow (6' narrowing to 5' by 9') so the bed now takes too much space for us to be able to hoist her. So, one wall is coming off so we can have folding doors, and use the hallway as an extension to her bedroom. Then we're having our driveway moved to the other side of the house so that it can be wider and longer and take our new huge van properly.

    It's actually our third DFG work but the 1st was 10 years ago to our old house.

    Not covered by DFG (Disabled Facilities Grant for those unfamiliar with the term - building work covered partly or fully by the government to make accommodation suitable for individuals with disabilities) is another project we are contemplating; turning our cloakroom into a shower room. I just don't know if I can face the upheaval of having that done just yet.



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