Thursday 29 October 2009


It doesn't seem like more than a few weeks since this was our world.
And yet it must have been, because we had some of thisAnd a fair bit of thisbefore I lost the cable which connects the camera to the computer and started relying on the rubbish camera on my phone somehow ran out of time to stop and snap the world around us.

That first photo is nearly a year old now, I know it wasn't last month because, well, we didn't have frost last month. And because I can remember stopping the bus to take the photo, and it was our old bus.

But if it doesn't seem as though nearly a year has past since that photo, then it definitely doesn't feel like three and a half years since this one.
Friends from the moment they met. Friends, despite seeing each other just a few times each year. Friends, despite all the many disabilities which some people might see as barriers to ever forming friendships.

Two girls who share an interest in pretty things. Who kick feet out (Mog) and squeal (Eve) to show off new slippers and a fabby new wheelchair cover.

It takes adults so long to get to know these girls, so long before they are confident at understanding communication, meeting needs, keeping the girls safe. Somehow the girls themselves bypass all that, dismiss the irrelevancies, and get on with enjoying each others' company.

We were together, as families, for just a few hours today. Mog was asleep for some of that time, Eve was distracted for some of it. But within that there was time for them to reconnect. To insist on being pushed side by side, to make eye contact whilst the rest of us ate lunch.

It seems like just a few months ago Mog and I were catching a ferry to meet Eve and her family for the first time. Since, unlike their mothers, they don't have the ability to chat nightly on MSN, they've probably seen each other maybe a dozen times in total. I think they last met in January. Doesn't matter; each time they reconnect and sit and grin together.

I don't know when we'll meet again. Busy lives, complicated lives, and an inconvenient distance between us. But whether it's six weeks or a lifetime, I know that they'l be delighted to see each other again.

Just as I'll be delighted to see some more of this again.I do love having seasons.



  1. Beautiful thoughts and memories!

  2. That's such a beautiful, moving picture.

  3. Never ceases to amaze me how Eve and Mog always know each other. Eve was calling for Mog in her sleep last night.
    So good to see you all. Thanks for making the trip and hope it didnt tire you out too much.
    Much love

  4. Adorable picture of Eve and Mog.
    Glad you had a good visit. Can't believe you had snow and frost already!


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