Wednesday 18 November 2009

Eeeevil Mog!

It's been a while. But she's back!Starting yesterday, with her determination to kick the orthotist. Continuing with her determination to kick her way across her bed until her face was firmly planted in the Perspex. A couple of full body spasms to prevent carers doing up her lap strap. Deep joy at kicking the shower head last night. Giggles all night long as she had yet again worked her head into a position where all she can do is cough. Deliberate stridor. Kicking her boots off in the middle of the road. Utter delight at being called a smelly beast. Belly laughs at her sister's tantrums.

Eeevil eeeeeeeeeevil child. And I love it!


  1. Welcome Back Mog! We love it tooooo!

  2. Yay!! Good to see you back, Mog!
    K x

  3. Isaac's been having some good days too...I wonder if the seasons affect medication absorption!



  4. Yeek! I think she's going to GET ME...

    PS absolutely fantastic photo - lethally pointy fangs clearly visible.

  5. Awesome! Don't you just love it! I am smiling as I type. Yes she even looks evil with those teeth missing!

  6. HEHEHEH... yes the evil child is back - LOVE it!!!


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