Saturday 14 November 2009

The Making of a Migraine Quilt

My God Daughter had a birthday, and being the wonderful God Mother that I am, I totally failed to get her birthday present to her on time.

I could blame 'flu, I could blame tiredness, but truthfully, I just hadn't made it. So, I sat down and started sewing. And my eyes started jumping about in different directions.
Hoping it would get better once it was finished, I struggled on manfully*, until I decided the thing was big enough, at which point I started laying out the backing. This took some time.
But eventually I managed to bribe the beasties with a bowl of tuna, and got the quilt spread out over the fleece. And then the tuna bowl was empty, and two kittens had more energy than ever before.
And no, the eye-bleeding pain I got from looking at the strips did not settle at all. Note to self: strips of batik look very pretty when in a jelly roll but very evil when sewn side by side in a semi random fashion.

Still, eventually the kittens wore themselves out, and I was able to join the two together. No picture of the finished article, the girls and I were too busy stroking the fleecy inside and admiring its softness.

It did, eventually, get posted yesterday.

And this morning this arrived on my phone.
I think she likes it! And look, the backing fleece matches her wheelchair perfectly. It's definitely nicer inside out.

I think she might be sleeping to get away from the stripes here...
Happy Belated Birthday, sweetie!
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*man struggle: I did it but paused regularly to text a friend about how awful it all was and to collect much praise for doing it.


  1. Oh Tia, you have no idea how much it eases my mind to read your posts!!! You know how the Scripture says everything we experience has a reason? Well, one of those reasons is so that we can comfort others who are going through the same issues! And that is what I experience on a regular basis, when I come to read your blog!!! :) Thank you for the comfort you provide here.

    Case in point: My sweet sister-in-law's birthday was October 3. (That was the Saturday following the Sunday that my back went out. I feel like it's important to include that tidbit! LOL!) I just took her birthday gift to her at church on last Sunday, November 8th! Over a month late!!! (And she was just as gracious as she could be, too, thank the Lord!)

    See? Much comfort here :) Thank you!

    And the quilt looks just lovely, especially when snuggled up with such a little sweetie. :)


  2. Beautiful quilt! LOVE it and it looks like a sweetie girl thinks it pretty cool, too!


  3. Eve absoultely loves her quilt that....."Mog" made me!
    Sorry Tia!

  4. Lovely snuggly quilt and a real cutie in it. Hope the headache is better.

  5. I'm guessing by "join the two together" you didn't mean the cats... or did you?

  6. Awww, sweet!! Was that the parcel from Friday's blogpost?


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