Saturday 7 November 2009

Saturday Sillies

After a ridiculously long sleep (4.30PM - 11.30AM), Little Fish woke up full of giggles and ready for mischief. I asked her if she wanted chocolate spread on bread or chocolate spread on toast. She thought for a minute, giggling to herself, and said "Chocolate spread on ME." So I obliged!
Later, sitting and playing nicely, I heard a plaintive call, "Mumma, Mumma, I got a bogey. A Vewy Big Bogey, come, come quickly, please, Mumma"

So I did, and I found thisAnyone for playdough?



  1. Oh bless her, she is so cute xx

  2. You can tell she goes to big girls' school....
    K x

  3. LOL! Looks like some extra sleep brough out the mischief ;o) Nice to see Little Fish back to her old self.

  4. can we swap? Celyn thinks sleep is for the weak!

  5. Wonderful...glad you could share some silly stuff.

    Her smile is wonderful!

  6. That's really made me laugh - what a cheeky sense of humour!


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