Monday 21 December 2009

Challenging the Status Quo

And you thought this was going to be a well-thought-out, serious post didn't you?

They got used to this bed being unoccupied last week and are extremely unhappy to have been evicted. It's a hard life. They're now contemplating revolution, wondering how to convince Mog she ought to be happy with a blanket on the floor, even offering up their favourite windowsill and top of the filing cabinet in exchange.

She remains unconvinced.



  1. those cats are growing......!

  2. They look mightily hacked off..... I love cats - such expressions in their faces.

  3. Are your cats Maine Coons Tia? Look very Maine Coonish to me.

  4. Close - they are Norwegian Forest Cats.

  5. Oh yes - they are lovely cats. But then to me all cats are lovely - agree that a home is not complete without a cat.


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