Saturday 16 January 2010

Click Happy

The trouble with internet grocery shopping
is that it's easy to get carried away.
Oh well; at least it won't go off...


  1. ha ha! hope they don't go off that brand!
    Catherine x

  2. Lol....was it on offer by any chance or did you press 100 instead of 1?! My friend did that once with satsumas - thought she'd ordered 10 satsumas, but had 10 net bags worth....

  3. You jest but when we were snowed in the thing we were panicking about running out of was cat food - there is nothing like a hungry cat for invading personal space, knocking things on the floor, standing in front of the computer screen, chewing on cables and doing all sorts of generally annoying things to get your attention!!

  4. It was on offer, they'd better not go off that brand, and I didn't actually intend to buy quite as much as that! Just kept clicking on the two for one.

    Ah well, after the last couple of weeks with Mum hiking over every couple of days with another box of the stuff; we should be set for a couple of weeks now. Not that bad weather is allowed to hit us ever again or at least not until I've actually walked on green grass and driven on clear roads.

  5. LOLOLOLOL ! That's what I buy for ours (when they aren't on strike for tuna that is)
    I once ordered 22 packs of celery by mistake....

  6. bwahahahaha!

    such great pics! thanks for sharing!


  7. My cat is envious - last time I went I got Sainsburys own brand and she HATES it - much more of a Felix girl my cat.


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