Monday 25 January 2010


Little Fish had a long awaited playdate today. A schoolfriend coming home with her for an hour. A very confusing concept yesterday and this morning, until she got to school where it was suddenly a very exciting idea and had to be shared constantly with all the staff and other pupils.

Mog and I walked to pick them up from school, and they appeared, hand in hand, small girl in a wheelchair and larger boy being dragged behind. "Mumma, I got a FRIEND!" she squeaked, pulling him along behind (and occasionally under) her wheelchair and bossily directing him down the road to our house.

Picking up on the excitement, Mog kicked away under her blanket, and looked around for friend's brother, who happens to be one of her own schoolmates.

Two small people take some occupying. Friend was here for an hour, so I had planned some serious post-school bouncing around in the ball pool to burn off some energy, a nice prolonged sandwich and biscuit fest, explore some of our toys, possibly some drawing/puzzles/games, a few DVDs lined up, and some plain biscuits ready to be iced if necessary.

Thankfully, the walk home took us longer than usual. Because, five minutes after we got home, every item except the iced biscuits had been tried, sampled, completed, abandoned, strewn across the floor, tried again, enjoyed, tested, and finished.

Scary stuff! Little Fish and Larger Friend amicably bickering, Larger Friend a willing slave, picking up pens and organising paper (with neither child actually colouring anything), me willing them to find something they'd both engage in, forgetting they were both actually happy flitting, and worrying that it would all somehow fall apart.

It didn't; they found the guitar (note to self: find someone to restring it; five ancient strings really don't work so well together), they strummed and pottered, and Mog sang and insisted on being very present. The cats objected and ran, cowering, under the nearest bed.

And then, just as it was starting to begin to get a little hair, with larger one wanting to play outside, littler one willing but freezing, and myself all too aware of the mud-and-cat-poo field our back garden has turned into, friend's Mum turned up and playtime was over.

Just about an hour, including the time it took to potter slowly home. And just about long enough. It was so nice to see Little Fish as she was though; not her usual home self at all. I think I got a glimpse of who she is at school, and I think I can see why she doesn't want to go to any of the Birthday parties. Short times, home turf, and she was happy. Think it might be a while before I'm ready for another one though!



  1. Here is one volunteer to re string the guitar.

  2. And don't forget A can do it for you as well



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