Tuesday 12 January 2010


One appointment cancelled due to bad weather.
One appointment rearranged for a less convenient time.
One price slightly higher than I was expecting
One shovel borrowed again from our neighbours in order to dig out the van after the engineer tried to park it on the front garden - what was a pretty layer of snow over a large and empy bed of soil is now an interestingly bespattered brown and grey sludgy goo.
Two hours of shutting the cats into the sunroom and listening to them yowling.
Two hours of freezing as the engineer took bits and pieces in and out of his van to soak and steam and scrub and degrease.

Totally worth it!
Wish I'd had the courage sense to take the before pictures. Let's just say, before he got here I managed to chip a solid layer, 12 inches wide and 1 inch deep, of carbonised rice pudding and fish pie off the bottom of the oven. I don't think it matters how long I might have spent though; I'd never have gotten it looking like this again.

So, do you think I'm justified in now refusing to cook ever again?


  1. Ooooh! Shiny new oven! I am *jealous*

    This is the kind of day where I would faithfully prmise to clean it as soon as a spillage has occured, to avoid the build up of melted cheese/boiled over casseroles etc

    And the promtly dismiss at 9.30pm of an eve, after a casserole has boiled over....thinking, '''s'ok, I;ll do it tomorrow...'


  2. Totally green with envy at the oven!

    I seriously consider moving house when mine needs cleaning.

  3. I want one!!!
    (are we supposed to clean ovens???! Surely not..:))

  4. would you please post a new blog...this picture seriously depressing me lol xx


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