Sunday 3 January 2010

This morning's dilemma

In addition to, or conceivably caused by, the mind fog which accompanies an earlier start by far with a worrying lack of caffeine, on top of the worries about how to pack an entire flat into our minibus, I am faced with this:

On the way here it was simple; a new circuit and a new bottle, no leakage. This morning I have a half full bottle of water plus a very full humidifier. I can't throw the circuitry until we get home; I need the old pipes to show me how to sort the new ones. So it's got to be packed, but hmmm how? They don't cone with handy corks for transport. Perhaps from now on we need to take even numbers of nights away only?



  1. Empty the water out of the circuit - make a hole in it if necessary. Chuck the bottle-full, unless you've a lid for it. And at some point make yourself a ‘how to set the humidifier up’ sheet, just in case.

    My main PA (caregiver, employed directly by me via Direct Payments/Individual Budget with ILF top-up to cover 24-hour support) recently did a ‘how to put Becca to bed’ one in the style of a Haynes manual. It's brilliant!

  2. i guess you figured out and managed to get packed in time too..


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