Sunday 31 January 2010

A wheel let-down

This is the picture of a happy child, freewheeling her way around a friend's garden.

Today, not so much.

Little Fish's little chair has two very flat tyres. They've been spongy on occasion before, and a quick go with a bicycle pump has brought them back into action. But not this time.

So, anyone got any ideas? Her chair is an Otto Bock Minny wheelchair. The tyres are standard for the chair, but apparently unique to the chair. Otto Bock no longer make the Minny, and the company we bought it from no longer operate in this county, and will charge us heap big money just to come and take the chair away for six weeks (if previous repairs are anything to go by).

She's not totally immobile; she has her power chair and she has her school wheelchair. Neither of those chairs sit low enough to the ground for her to pick things up off the ground though, and she's a little lethal in the power chair in our house. I know our doors wouldn't survive it, and I fear for the fishtank too.

So for the moment, she's choosing to sit in the pink armchair and have things brought to her. Oddly enough; I'm not overkeen on this continuing for too long.



  1. I suppose you've already looked at this site?

  2. I think if you know the tyre size you could order any inserts fotr them. We had some put in Amber's chair wheels snd it makes them solid so they don't go flat. I think the tyres are standard for all chairs.

  3. Google search of ""tyre sealant uk"" gives a whole host of suppliers of gunge you squirt in through the valve.
    Whether it will work will depend on the reason that the tyres are deflated. If they are starting to perish/crack then you will be stuffed.
    Worth looking into though.

  4. Maybe a bicycle repair shop could help if it's a question of repairing the inner tubes?

  5. Tia,

    Talk to I obviouly have not had any dealings with them for the last few years but, in the past they have been absolutely brilliant.




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