Sunday 14 February 2010

Mamma Mia!

Just another Sunday evening...

Pity Mog, who is having a shower in the same room. Current variants as I type this are "Mamma Mia, here we go again, my my, oh I have a sister" and "oh my, now I am a sister". With our carer being ordered to wiggle and shake her bottom in time with the music. I'm really not convinced the mike was a good present!


  1. Hahaha Love It!!

    Great singing LF, hope Mog enjoyed it as much as I did.

    (what a lovely change to the words!)

  2. She is so cute, how wonderful. I think the mike was a great pressie (says she who doesnt live with you lol)))))

  3. she's gorgeous, although they are hard work, at times like that it must be so rewarding

  4. LOL ~ Thanks Little Fish for making me laugh this morning... you are too, cute!!!!!

    I think the mike is a lovely present for her... much better in your house than mine ;o)


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