Thursday 11 February 2010

T-shirt, take two

For Mog this has been the year of the sock. Many socks, many different fluffy collar covers from many different people. She's loved it. Parcels from Japan and all over the UK, links to websites, and now she has at least one pair to match each outfit and a good half dozen which coordinate with her school uniform.

And Little Fish has been very gracious towards her big sister with all the new socks. She's helped open the parcels, she's stroked Mog's cheeks with them so she can feel the softness of them all, she's helped to change the ones on the collar to keep them all matching. And. lest you think she's some kind of sanctified ideal child, she's also stropped about the fact she can't wear them herself, done her best to rip some of them up, refused to allow carers to strap the collar in place, thrown things across the room and generally shown her less pleasant side too. She is who she is.

This month though, it's been her turn. First there was this, courtesy of Tina and Rosie. And today another parcel. A convoluted journey from Cumbria to the Isle of Wight, then inadvertently to Witney and Surrey before heading back up to Cumbria and finally down to us again.
She does like it; she stripped off after school in order to wear it.
She just doesn't feel like smiling for the camera today.

Thanks, S and M!


  1. Love that T Shirt :D

  2. That T shirt is fab!! A used to have a couple - one said "wicked on wheels" and the other was something like "theres no need to stare, I know I'm cute!" Love them!! xxx

  3. Thanks for the great work you do at your blog. And for coming by. Very best!

  4. I love that last pic especially. LF looks like a little old lady.

  5. I like your T shirt Little Fish! It reminds be of a video I saw of a boy who likes to do wheelchair backflips at the skate park.

    Here is the video


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