Tuesday 6 April 2010

Little Fish Chat

On being served with a plate of very yummy vegetable lasagne:
she -"I are not liking this"
me - "Lola likes this a lot. This is Lola's favourite and her best.*"
she - "I do not agree with Lola."

Our visitors have brought a selection of new (to LF) DVDs with them. Little Fish has fallen heavily for one in particular, and after watching it a few times has memorised the theme tune, most of the dialogue for most of the episodes, and, rather unfortunately, is adamant that she needs a new Toy Cupboard just like the one in one of the stories. She will not be put off by the fact that this is a cartoon and the cupboard in question does not actually exist.

I say she's memorised the dialogue and theme tune. It's not quite true. She's got Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig and brother George and best friend Suzi down pat. But the heroine herself, I'm not quite sure what she'd think about her new name. Introducing "Peppered Pork!" This has the unfortunate side effect of making me hungry every time she watches.



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If you are commenting on something to do with one of my fostered children, please respect confidentiality and don't post details I haven't already mentioned on the blog. Thanks