Saturday 3 April 2010


We have visitors. This is nice; the return of an ex-fosling together with new(ish) Mummy. Company for the girls - someone else for Mog to try to kick, adult conversation for myself, an excuse for the house to be extra chaotic and additional motivation to actually contain the chaos. Nice.

Nothing major planned over the next few days, but a few nice child-friendly trips lined up. And then, as visitors were being ferried over here, I realised our car's MOT expired last month. Bank Holiday Friday before a Bank Holiday weekend not the best time to discover this. And with buses only taking one wheelchair, we're either walking or staying put.

Today we walked all the way to the bottom of the road, stuffed ourselves nicely with a giant meal, waddled all the way home again and settled down to watch Peppa Pig all afternoon satisfied we'd actually achieved something. Tomorrow I expect we will walk the vast distance (measured in yards) between here and church and back, and do more of the same. Nice.

The van's booked in for an emergency MOT on Tuesday morning. It needs to pass; we're supposed to be taking our visitors home again on Wednesday!


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