Saturday 10 April 2010

Puss on wheels

Little Fish considering a change of nickname
and insisting, on the hottest day so far this year (OK that's admittedly not saying very much)
on donning her furry black catsuit for a trip to the park.
It's fun being five!


  1. I can't believe she is five! Seems like only a couple years ago she came home. My oldest daughter now grown with children wore her halloween costume everywhere we went so many timew until it wore out. Really grossed out her older brother who was embarassed to be seen with he in it! Nice memory!
    Have fun!

  2. Being cousin to Kitty and Mancub Catwoman would be fitting leaving Mog free to became Batgirl? Love the pics. We too have enjoyed the sunshine our little kittens experiencing the great outdoors for the first time. Meanwhile Eve is shouting her glee at the ventilator working again. Two nights of breathing all night and tomorrow is looking good hugs

  3. Too cute! Looks like a lovely day to be out with the cutest cat at the park.

    Hugs & Prayers!


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