Sunday 23 May 2010


The mother of invention.

A little manual wheelchair for inside, and a larger powerchair for outside. Visiting friends and family, we either drive and bring the manual in the bus, or walk (with the powerchair) and then Little Fish lap-surfs or commando crawls once we get there.

She's getting increasingly unhappy about this.

So, what do you do, when going to Grannie and Grandad's house, on the hottest day of the year, when the air conditioning in the bus has packed up? Strap the lesser chair onto the back of the bigger beast.
And then spend the day outside where you can't use the little chair anyway!

In related news, anyone know why our van's air conditioning is blasting out hot air?



  1. the air con has leaked out all its coolant. There's a really nice guy who is mobile, mother used to work at kingfishers, I'll let you have his number.

  2. Thanks! This may blow your anonymity though...

  3. It probably needs regassing. In our experience someone who knows about the vehicle is more economical than the garage offering to do it cheaper.
    Also get it done before the weather is Increasingly warm cause everyone then discovers the need and getting it booked in is harder.
    All the best

  4. i know nothing about cars but UGH. i don't know how i'd manage in our heat without A/C.

  5. Sounds like the AC needs to be recharged!
    I am enjoying having AC working in the new van! Sure makes a difference.
    Love your invention with the W/C's


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