Wednesday 25 August 2010

Because it bears repeating

Are you a carer? Something not quite right about the place where you work? Missing equipment, water too hot, lacking training? Don't sit on it - speak up and if your managers don't listen, go over their heads.

Are you responsible for bathing someone who can't bath themselves? Test the water. If there's no thermometer shout loudly (or buy one). If you're using your hands, take the gloves off.

Are you caring for someone and realise there's been a terrible mistake and the person you are caring for has been badly burnt? Get them away from the heat and under cold running water and keep them under that cold water until help comes.

Are you a parent or decision maker considering Supported Living over a more traditional Care Home environment? Fewer regulations and more freedom and a more homely environment is great, but bear in mind some of those regulations might just save lives, even if they're cumbersome and unwieldy the majority of the time.

Are you a manager? Consider that emergency first aid possibly ought to be a priority when training your new staff; if the unthinkable happens you want your staff to be able to act without thinking and act in the right way.

And are you hospital staff? Please review your policies and allow Foster Carers to be considered Next of Kin; it is just possible that the woman who cared for the injured adult for 7 years might know that adult better than the carer who has only been with her for a handful of days.



  1. Wise words Tia, should be required reading for all carers.

  2. I hope that this post means someone avoids an accident. Thinking of you.

  3. Thinking of you Tia. I have posted a link on fb to raise more awareness.

    Sue xx

  4. In my thoughts and prayers.
    Love you!

  5. Hugs Tia - Remembering a very special, beautiful young woman.

  6. Tia,
    I agree should be required reading and teaching. (((hugs))) Remembering Goldie. I swear I can hear her singing loudly with glee!

  7. I've been thinking of you, I hope changes will be made and polices followed. Hugs to you. God bless

  8. I hear you. All good common sense, not to say required reading for professionals.

  9. i hope these words reach the ears that need to read them most.

    hugs Tia.


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