Sunday 6 March 2011


Our Preacher this morning spoke on John 11, vv 1-44. Very cool passage. Lots of stuff. Doubting Thomas, ready to die with his Lord. Lazarus dying. Martha, trusting. Mary, rebuking. Jesus weeping. God working, Lazarus living. All good stuff.

Drawing on his own experience, he told us about a time in his own life when he had been deeply depressed, and how a vision he had had of Jesus weeping with him had been the start of things turning around for him. I'll go along with that. I don't know why there's so much suffering in this world, but I know absolutely that I'm never alone; that for every tear I might shed, Jesus is right there beside me, and He knows all about it and feels it all far more deeply than I do.

There is huge sorrow in this world. And my God is bigger than all that sorrow. But that doesn't dispel the sorrow, it just means I'm not grieving alone. And there is huge joy in Christ - but that doesn't take away the sorrow either. Jesus wept. Jesus weeps. Wholly human, and wholly Divine, He shares in both our sorrow and our laughter. Which is, on the whole, pretty awesomely amazing and excellent.

But our preacher also suggested that this current "epidemic of depression" is because this generation of depressed younger women do not know Jesus. And I have to take issue with that.

I know Jesus, I walk with Jesus and trust in Him and believe in Him and love Him as Lord and Author of my Life. And yet, I've been deeply, profoundly, depressed at times. I've been depressed and on anti-depressants, I've had counselling (both Christian and secular), I've seen psychiatrists and I've spoken to concerned and loving friends. And I am disappointed that a man, who has himself suffered from depression, should suggest to the congregation - and therefore to those within the congregation currently struggling with depression - that depression is due to lack of knowledge, or lack of faith in Jesus.

I'm fairly certain this preacher would not suggest the same thing about cancer, about 'flu, about physical or learning disabilities. So why make that assumption about mental illness? I know that Jesus heals - but even 2000 years ago, He didn't heal everyone. When He went to the pool at Bethsaida, He spoke to just one of the men lying around the pool. I'm sure He could have waved a hand and healed the lot, or spoken to the waters and commanded them to heal all who drank from them. But instead He picked out just one man. Was that man better than all the rest? Did he happen to have the one form of disability which was fixable, as opposed to all he others? Were the others worse sinners than he? Was he simply the nearest to Jesus as he walked by? Or the loudest? Or, after 38 years of lying by the waters, the most disabled? I've no idea. But I'm pretty certain God loved the un-healed ones just as much as the healed. And I'm pretty certain He was just as fond of the dead He didn't choose to raise as he was of Lazarus.

Depression is an illness. It can be disabling. It's overwhelming. The Lord is my refuge and my strength, and He walked with me through the valleys of the shadow of death. But the Prozac restored the chemical balance in my brain; the pills helped to overcome the depression, just as my daughter's antibiotics clear infections from her lungs, and her anti-epileptic drugs subdue her seizures. Yes, God could have done it in a sudden miraculous supernatural healing. But He chose not to - and he walked me through it instead. Just as He chooses to walk with my daughters through their own illnesses, both acute and chronic. It is not my girls' lack of faith (nor their birth parents') which caused their disabilities. And it was not my lack of faith which caused my depression.

Jesus saves. Jesus heals. Jesus brings hope and light and life, and it is my prayer that everyone might one day come to know Him. And the young woman with depression may find Jesus as much of a comfort and a companion as the older woman with cancer. But it would be irresponsible to suggest that cancer patient stop treatment and rely solely on prayer.

God made man, and gave Him the tools to treat illnesses - from the most basic first aid through to the most sophisticated and futuristic medical procedures. And of course prayer is important. If I'm going on holiday, I might pray for a safe journey. But I won't get anywhere at all if I don't get into the car and drive.

And this post has ended up at a rather different destination to the one I originally thought I was heading towards. So I'll leave it with a request please for prayer for a few friends I have who are themselves in hospital right now, and for a few different friends who have children in hospital, and who are having to make difficult decisions this coming week. For friends who are not in hospital but who possibly should be, for friends who are facing the reality of life without their treasured children, and for other friends who are starting different chapters in their lives just now. And if this is cryptic, I apologise. But God knows the details.



  1. I think you put it very well Tia.
    God does not promise to take all pain, suffering, diseases etc. from His children. But we do have the assurance of His presence with us and all that entails-- His comfort-His strength and love. For which I am extremely grateful. Yes, believers are not exempt from the difficulties, sickness, disabilities that are in this world--But we have One we can hang on to to give us what ever we need to make it through.

  2. I stand with you Tia. Both in your thoughts on healing and in your prayer requests.
    Much love

  3. Thank you for those words x

  4. My second attempt to post, but I'll keep it short, I'm with you on this one, why do some Christians have a 'thing' about depression?

  5. lovely post
    really sensible important thinking
    people use the word depression with no idea what they're talking about

  6. As someone who suffers from depression (and always felt embarrassed to admit it), thank you for debunking some of the nonsense that is talked about this very serious condition.
    Your and yours are in my prayers.


  7. I would bring it up with him as you've made your point very well here and perhaps nobody has ever challenged him.

  8. Actually - I'm pretty sure he didn't mean for what he said to come out quite the way it did.

  9. I thought about this post yesterday but I wasn't sure if I should email or post a comment. Anyway, reciprocal commenting is the way to go I've decided.

    I think that lots of religious people think depression is the same as despair and have depression lumped in with feeling a little blue. There's a bit in the bible where being 'sunk low in spirit' is mentioned (and translated, of course) and I suppose it depends what you call depressed. Clinical depression isn't going to be cured by prayer or faith, you're right. People often say they are depressed when their lottery ticket doesn't win but they cheer right up after a cup of tea. It's all a spectrum but and some people just aren't careful enough with their use of the word or their understanding. I can see how having faith that God is with you and being part of a nice congregation could make someone feel supported and things but it still won't cure depression. Depression doesn't even need a reason to trigger it, it can just creep up on people. I suppose it is only relatively recently that it has been investigated as a proper illness at all so perhaps he is just a bit out of date or was dumbing down the topic for the sermon to make his point. He does have influence over his flock so it does matter. It's generally been religious people who have been depressed in my circle of friends but I don't think that was the cause, usually something sad had knocked them sideways and they were looking for some comfort from religion while depressed. Have you read any of Monty Don's books? He is very candid about his depression. I do think many religious people confuse depression and despair too. Thinking of you and hoping things work out for your friends.

  10. I like that as a distinction, thank you!


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