Wednesday 8 June 2011

Day 3

A mixed day.

A little leak overnight so lots of sitting up needing to be done during the day to try to keep things draining nicely. And a small girl with a wound painted in Friar's Balsam to seal the wound.

So, a morning in bed doing lots of painting with Grannie and the play lady, and a Mummy with license to grab coffee.

And then an hour with a majorly bloated tummy, a little bowel massage producing a lot of tummy bubbles and then a fairly messy vomit.

So lots of rest in the afternoon; stories with the play lady whilst Mummy went off to be tenderised and basted in orange, lavender and rosemary oils. An effect which produced beautifully relaxed shoulders until I had to brace the Little Princess over a bedpan later on.

Up in her chair for a couple of hours including an escape to buy maltesers and another colouring book, and a brief visit to the outdoor play area before a different kind of leak stopped play.

A rather moody girl, determined that she is not poorly and therefore should be allowed to go home. But with minimal appetite, the need for lots of downtime, and an absolute refusal to see any visitors today except Grannie.

Oh, and an ear infection to add into the mix; some predictable but painful side effects from the morphine, and a long night last night with a faulty humidifier.

Everyone still very pleased with her progress through and she is delighted not to need stickies on her chest tonight, just a bog standard Sats monitor on her toe.

Aromatherapy massage aside, I have so far collected the majority of possible bodily fluids on my comfortable trousers; I'm considering walking myself through a carwash somewhere for speed.


  1. Dear Tania
    Thanks very much for the blog link. It's great to be able to read all the details (pleasaant and unpleasant)
    We shall follow future postings avidly aand pray more intelligently
    J and G

  2. ((((Little Fish and Mummy)))) Sorry to hear of the snags but glad she is feeling well enough to be up and about, amazing.

  3. Hey, I've got a recipe for those:

    How did you taste?


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