Thursday 15 March 2012

Would you rather

Have this for breakfast, lunch and tea, and everything inbetween?
Or this?
Live off this?
Or this?


  1. The fruit smoothies look scrummy, but I suspect they might have an interesting effect of the intestines if one lived off them (to put it politely) the other stuff looks boring, but if it keeps you alive.....

  2. Only one of them is a smoothie; the other is a carrot and hummus sandwich with salad. Most of us seem to manage to stay alive on a whole variety of different foods...

  3. Well since going over to the "colourful" stuff i generally only have to change my daughters bedding once a night rather than 6-7 times. Horray for blended diet!

  4. :o))))
    In our house, there is no debate! None of the white stuff anywhere near here!

  5. mmmm such a hard decision...... ;-)
    K x

  6. Oh look, proper food - yes please!

  7. Hi Tia,

    Can I ask a dull question about counting calories? My rather gorgeous nine year old in my class (am a teacher, not a parent) lives off of Fortini and am working hard to increase his diet, but also get his weight up (he's under three stone). Any suggestions besides custard (now bored of) and mushed up rich tea biscuits (so very dull)?

  8. Assuming no food allergies or intolerances, anything which you can eat can be blended! Nice high cal stuff - banana, avocado, mango, nuts (carefully!), various oils...


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