Tuesday 20 November 2012

Picture of comfort.

New chair, new hand splint, and a peaceful evening at Helen House without her little sister's chatter. The promise of sparkly nail varnish; a little cruel perhaps considering she is currently being cared for by the only man on the care team, but I'm told not to dissuade her from her request as the rest of the team need a laugh.



  1. Mog looks so comfy, and so grown up!

  2. Yay for comfortable chairs and Mog being happy. What colour nail varnish did she go for? :)

  3. There was a slight delay in the nail varnish - Mog decided to demonstrate a fuller range of seizures and spasms than the hospice had seen before, so after a bit of diazepam and buscopan, she opted for chilled out cuddles instead. Hard to paint nails when you're twitchy.

    But as she got into bed I noticed she had lilac nails with pink stickers on the thumbs - I'm sure I was only chatting to a friend for a few minutes there!


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